

It is the law in Ontario for recreational sleds using OFSC Prescribed Snowmobile Trails to have and display a valid Snowmobile Trail permit. Fines to comply range from a minimum of $200. to a maximum of $1000.
*exemptions or partial exemptions for specific user groups…

Buy Before YOU Ride… Buy Where YOU Ride

For your own safety and for the respect of our Landowners and our Volunteers who prepare the trails for your enjoyment, please stay on marked OFSC prescribed trails.

Assumptions for Trail Use

Snowmobiling is an inherently risky activity. The OFSC assumes every rider using an OFSC Prescribed Trail understands and accepts that.

District 2 Trail Map

By clicking on this box you can automatically download the District 2 map for your convenience. Feel free to print it out.

To receive a copy of our OFSC District 2 Trail Guide, fill out our form below.

Ride District 2 Trails!

Your Best Central Ontario Weekend Getaway or Day Riding Choice!

The Bon Echo Loop

Total km 235.4

Cloyne, Bancroft & Gilmour


Total km 253.3

Havelock, Coe Hill & Apsley

Kawartha Highlands Tour

Total km 138.2

FenelonFalls, Kinmount

Trailblazer Tour Loop

Total km 106.9

Tory Hill, Harcourt, Southern Algonquin Park,

Interactive Trail Guide

The 2019-20 Go Snowmobiling Ontario App will be available in-stores December 2, 2019.

For trail status reports visit the OFSC website.