The 2019-20 Go Snowmobiling Ontario App will be available in-stores December 2, 2019.
For trail status reports visit the OFSC website.
There is a Shell Gas station located at the corner of highways 49 and 36, just off the southern most point of TMSC trail #400. Riders must run down the side of the road approximately 100 metres to access the station, but it’s fully visible.
Staging areas along Bass Lake Road include the clubhouse/groomer shed, the bridge just to the north of the clubhouse, and the boat launch immediately off of highway 36 on the west side of Nogie’s Creek bridge. There is also a new staging area being opened for the 2020 season just off of Bass Lane at E108.
The 2019-20 Go Snowmobiling Ontario App will be available in-stores December 2, 2019.
For trail status reports visit the OFSC website.
Between the ages of 12 and 15? Over the age of 15 and do not possess a valid Ontario Drivers License?
Then you need to successfully complete an Ontario-approved Snowmobile Safety Course before riding on public lands.